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The mission of Friends of Felines KS is to improve the lives of community cats in the Wichita, Kansas area by humanely controlling and reducing their overpopulation through education and providing trap-neuter-return (TNR) services.
It's kitten season. Watch this video by the Kitten Lady, Hannah Shaw to guide you on what to do if you find kittens. See our "Resources" page for additional links to helpful information.
Watch this video by The Kitten Lady, Hannah Shaw, for answers to frequently asked questions about Trap Neuter Return of community cats.
Friends of Felines KS does not have a veterinarian on staff or provide veterinary care beyond facilitating the TNR process. If your cat has a medical emergency, please contact a qualified veterinarian.
Easy Ways to Help...
In addition to medical expense of $70 per cat, overhead adds another $48 to the cost of each and every TNR we facilitate. All of the funding for FOFKS comes from people like you. Please help us help cats!
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